Sunday, November 23, 2008

Unto Us a Son is Given

As we let you know last year we were told by our doctor that we had very little chance of having a child on our own, so the beginning of the year we were finalizing the paper-work needed for adoption and getting ready for a long wait.
In early April, Barbara decided to take a pregnancy test and to all of our surprise we were expecting.
According to Barbara the pregnancy was pretty easy. After hearing all of the stories from friends, she thinks she got off easy.On Dec 4th at 5am Barbara’s water broke, but the contractions were pretty light and far apart so we waited a while before we went to the hospital. 11 hours later the contractions were a little stronger and we proceeded to the hospital. Unfortunately, there was not much progression made and we decided to try Pitocin. This helped and we had good progression until about 3am on Dec. 5th. Unfortunately the contractions kept coming, but at 8am no further progress had been made. Now I do not know how Barbara had made it this far with no sleep for 27 hours and under hard labor for 10 hours without pain medication, but she’d reached her breaking point. She needed sleep, so we talked to the anasticiologist and he suggested the best thing to let Barbara sleep would be an epidural. Three minutes after the epidural Barbara was asleep. They checked Barbara after 2 hours and found no progression. It was now 29 hours since the baby’s water had broke, and they usually don’t let it go more then 24 hours so we were strongly pushed to have a c- section.
Less then an hour after agreeing to the c-section Justin was born at 11:17 am on Dec 5th. I was able to be in the room and watch them pull Justin out of Barbara’s belly. He weighed 7.9 pounds and was 20 1/4 in long.
Barbara’s a trooper and on Dec 7th we left the Hospital with our Beautiful Son Justin, and after the first hard night, it’s been pretty smooth sailing.

1 comment:

Mummy Maggie said...

Congratulations Pete! This is so wonderful! All the best! I'm due any day now and we can't wait!

Maggie + Adair