Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Love Him or Hate Him?

So sometimes I think the dogs love Justin. When he cries they both give him kisses. They come up and sniff him while he is sleeping and lick him. They check on him when he is in an other room. They are both way more protective since he has been home. I have even seen Jade go to him first when he was crying and lay in front of his swing or car seat. But I also know they are jealous of his toys which they are not allow to eat, as well as the binky (pacifier). They do not allow us to put Justin on them while they lay down well Toby does as long as you pet him at the same time and Justin stays still. They will lay next to him as shown above but they are cautious. So do they love him or hate him? I think (hopefully) they love him more but they still don't know where he fits into the pack.

Smile for the Camera

On January 13 Justin gave enough social smiles for me to actually get some pictures of him. Up until recently he would only really give them to me while we were home together but now he gives them to Pete and sometimes strangers. He is becoming a lot more social which is great because he does more than cry now. A part of me can't wait until he can play and move around more but another part wants him to stay a baby forever. He thinks it is hilarious when I change his diaper and tell him he has a stinky diaper. He loves his "Good morning" sessions. So at about 9am is wake up time and I have always made it a point to wake up and tell him good morning with lots of smiles and kisses. So now if I am still laying in bed at 9 he starts to coo, gaa, and caa while he kicks his legs and moves his arms to get me up. He doesn't cry but he lets me know he is ready to get up and I need to tell him good morning and play with him for a bit. Its kind of fun except when it is cold (for Florida) outside and I don't want to get out of the covers.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Has It Really Been a Month Already?

I can't believe how time is flying. Justin is one month old today. He enjoys being held, eating, being rocked and sleeping. He can lift his head when he is on his belly. He can also lift himself up with his arms if he really wants to. He scoots around by kicking his legs and arms. He has held his head up fairly well since birth but sometimes his head does bob like one of those bobble toys. He responds to noises around him and focuses on Pete and I's face. He gives a few social smiles and coos when he's not crying. He sucks on his hand when a boob or pacifer is not available. He especially likes to create milk mustaches and beards on himself whenever he is eating. He loves to be close to you so if you are sitting next to him he will inch over until he can feel you. He hates to be alone and cries when he is left in his bed while awake.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Baby's First Christmas

For Christmas we went to my father's house. Of course he spoiled all of us expecially his new grandson. We came home on Christmas day and opened what we left here at the house and to my suprise I got the Wii fit. I can't wait to use it but I still have to wait until mid January to be able to work out because of the c-section. Then Pete and I are going to have a biggest loser contest (which would have been easier for me if I hadn't already lost all the weight from my pregnancy but at least now I weigh less than him). Of course Justin didn't react to any of his gifts, actually he slept thru the whole opening process go figure huh. And since he has no agency when it comes to where he goes or what he wears we put him in a stocking and under the tree for a photo shoot. In which Pete and I took pictures until he started crying and then we took a couple of that too.
I find it amazing that lack of sleep and changing hormones can cause Justin's crying to become unbearable after only 2 secounds. I swear sometimes that he has been crying all day and then I look at the clock and it has only been 3 minutes since he woke up. A friend of mine gave me the Babywise book to help "make it so you have a happier baby" by sceduling his feeding, play and nap times. It encourages you to allow your baby to cry at naptime until he falls asleep and in truth it only usually takes at the most 15 minutes for him to stop crying but it also only takes 5 minutes for me to go insane from the noise. Also Justin doesn't cry extremely loud but for some reason the repeated sound seams ten times louder to us when he is doing it. I wanted to laugh yesterday because Peter was home and I put Justin down for naptime and he started crying (which he does if we are not holding or feeding him or he's a sleep). Pete turned to me and asked if it was okay to allow him to scream like that for so long and in reality I had just laid him down 2 minutes before. Now I've made it seem like Justin screams all the time that is not true he sleeps all the time but when he does cry that tends to be all you can focus on and time stands still until he either stops or Pete and I give in and hold him until he falls asleep. Which is probably the most comforting feeling when you are holding your infant and he snuggles on you and falls asleep. You can't help but to enjoy and relish in his warmth on your chest.