Monday, January 5, 2009

Has It Really Been a Month Already?

I can't believe how time is flying. Justin is one month old today. He enjoys being held, eating, being rocked and sleeping. He can lift his head when he is on his belly. He can also lift himself up with his arms if he really wants to. He scoots around by kicking his legs and arms. He has held his head up fairly well since birth but sometimes his head does bob like one of those bobble toys. He responds to noises around him and focuses on Pete and I's face. He gives a few social smiles and coos when he's not crying. He sucks on his hand when a boob or pacifer is not available. He especially likes to create milk mustaches and beards on himself whenever he is eating. He loves to be close to you so if you are sitting next to him he will inch over until he can feel you. He hates to be alone and cries when he is left in his bed while awake.

1 comment:

James and Tricia Thomas said...

Congratulations!!! Your little boy is so cute!! Time sure does fly once they are born... of course before that it's another story!